Wednesday, March 25, 2009

power outing

hi everyone well a few nights ago my family had 3 power outings. 1 was a 30-45 minute power outage then like a 15 minute 1 then a 10 minutes 1 well if was so scary wow...............oh and if u ever look at my blog heres some info :)

webkinz user name: toshiapuggy

buildabearville user name: tashaapril23

club penguin user name: kimmycool3

whyville user name: tashapug
not always on:)

well have a nice day ppls
tahts all we have today
:( bye bye

Friday, March 6, 2009



well guess what i found ... a ...CABAGE!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cabages scare me ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! im going to go swim in my pool yay my friends r here and YAY THEY BROGHT NOODLES heee heee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if these were cabages insides that make me sooo HAPPY!!! hee heeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
lalllalalalalallalalal oh no theres cabeges falling from the sky ahhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHHHH cabeges get out out of the pool!!!!!!!!

thats all we have!!! bye bye fred:BYEEE
p.s fred is hiding under a dairy truck
poor fred