Friday, July 30, 2010

Morning Fright !!

Ok so today I got up and for the first time in a while, I got to play around with my mom :D. Anyway I took maybe a 10 minute nap and was awoken by The tv. We switched over to Dish and now we have to use the surround sound stero to hear the tv. Lol. ANYWAY I went to say good morning to Siearra. I looked all around my parents room. All around the house But yet I couldnt find her I started panicing thinking what If Siearra was dead. :(

Well ...


She wasnt :)
I asked my mom where she was and she said at the vet getting another blood transfusion :I Yes its sad but at least it helps.

Tell Siearra you love her && Hope for the best :)
I love you guys

Have a Funny Friday

Thursday, July 22, 2010


:( Today Hopefully NOT our last day with Siearra. :( :( :( :( :( Last week on Thursday was when she got the blood transfusion. This next part is Kindah nasty :I Siearra was Pooping blood. BUT she had a blood transfusion so it might not have done damage. But yeah today MIGHT be our LAST day with her :(.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Last 3 days

Our last (Hopefully NOT) 3 days with Siearra, Im trying to spend as much time as I can with her Just in case something does go wrong. Very wrong. In fact Im gonna go see her right now :] Ttyl

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our last week..

Hi people .-. This week is our Last week with Siearra.. Yes im mad Im sad Im furious Im confused Im fustraded Im scared Im alot of things right now. I cant believe someone would do that. TO A PUPPY. My mom said The lady KNEW about the Cancer She said it had happened once before. But ohh Does she stop breeding the dogs because the genitic DNA Of the dogs mother NO. She keeps doing it so she can get MONEY. Why is EVERYTHING about MONEY !! WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE MONEY OR SAVE A HELPLESS DEFENCELESS BABY PUPPY. THE CHOICE IS SIMPLE. PEOPLE HAVE STOPED CARING FOR THESE ANIMALS, OUR ENVIORMENT TOO. YOU KNOW ANIMALS LIVE HERE TOO. WHY KILL THEM ?? WHAT IF UOU WERE IN THEIR SHOES AND THEY KILLED YOU ??!! Im FURIOUS right now >_< Our LAST FREAKIN week with SIEARRA. THAT BREEDER KNEW SIEARRA WAS GONNA DIE SO WHY NOT TELL US BEFORE WE HAD TO DO ALL THIS ?? AT LEAST GIVER HER A CHANCE !! My mom and me have been praying It hurts to think about.. Losing another animal :( First Jasmine, Then Mitsy, Then Thumper, NOW SIEARRA ?? The thing i CANNOT stand is ANIMAL CRUALTY Its not right. Its against the law. And this lady who bred Siearra ohh shes gonna get it alright. Shes probably gonna go to court anf then jail for Breeding animals that already had problems THAT SHE KNEW ABOUT and selling it just for FREAKING MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats REDICULOUS It really is.

I think some people need to LEARN not to BREAK THE LAW. its not fair. Bringing an animal into this world and then just litteraly killing it. Ohh that lady is in DEEP trouble with not just My mom but with ME. :I I really wish this NEVER happened that Siearra NEVER had Cancer She was a normal HEALTHY puppy just like the REST of OUR DOGS are. But no It always happens to ME ALWAYS I find someone or Something I love or like and what happens next ITS TAKEN RIGHT FROM MY HANDS. My mom said either she "Goes in her sleep" or has to be Put down You know whats funny. It always has to happen to me everyone else can have a CUTE ADORABLE little PUPPY without it DIEING on you but No I cant If I ever see a CUTE ADORABLE little PUPPY And I magically get it whats happens Huh WHAT HAPPENS ?? IT DIES OR IT GETS HURT OR IT HAS TO BE PUT DOWN ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MEEEEE ALWAYS !! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWWWWWWWWWWAYYYSSSSSS :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Always Me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hi.. Today Well actually yesterday my mom told me whats wrong with... Siearra.. She told me she had cancer.. I didnt know.. My mom told me," We didnt tell you because you were trying to pass the fifth grade and we didnt want you to be distracted Because then you might not of focused on your schoolwork.".. I was mad.. REALLY mad.. my mom said it wasnt my fault.. she said it was the lady who gave us Siearra she never took care of her basically.. Then a fly flew by.. Then I hit the fly with the flyswater.. I hit it babishly at first.. then I hit it hard over and over again.. Yeah Im still mad.. Why do people do THAT?? They breed there animals just to make money and DONT EVEN TAKE CARE OF THEM! THEY SOULD GO TO JAIL.. Im REALLY mad.. my parents might even go to court Idk.. I wanna wring that lady by her neck ._. she had NO right to do that NO RIGHT AT ALL!! Yes maybe she needed the money but couldnt she at leadt of taken care of the dog I mean really that stupid :| I HATE people who do that and im an animal LOVER!! I hate to see people do that How dare them! at least she could of taken CARE of Siearra instead of doing that.. I really wish I could just talk to that lady give her a piece of MY mind.. Id probally be so mean she'd cry .__. I just wish she would come to Boise. I'd slap her to death !! Thats how mad I am I'd even risk going to JUVINAL HALL im so mad :x So yes I probally should go to COOL myself down again Just talking about this makes me wanna, Like I said, Wring her by her neck, Slap her to death, And kick her in the face ._. Yes I can get very wiolent Mostly in words But I am FURIOUS .__.

Poll :
Do you think its wrong to treat an animal with such disgrace?

A: Heck yes!!
C:Heck no!!
E:Kind of..
F:Maybe depending on what animal.
G:They should go to jail
H: A+B+G
